Our Partnerships and Collaborations: Some Case Studies

We regularly develop collaborative projects with organisations that are looking for a more bespoke solution. Here’s a few examples of our partnerships and bespoke, collaborative work.

Since 2012, Mindfulness Liverpool have worked with a huge range of organisations to deliver wellbeing training, education, and support. We often deliver workshops and short training sessions, but we also regularly develop collaborative projects with organisations that are looking for a more bespoke solution. Here’s a few examples of our partnerships and bespoke, collaborative work.

Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (“LIPA”)

We worked regularly with LIPA for over five years, delivering a range of wellbeing support. This included offering our personalised one to one mindfulness programs to students as an alternative to counselling, providing wellbeing training to staff, and providing regular yoga and mindful movement sessions to students.

“Dave Spencer has been working with our students for a number of years. I have personally worked with Dave since 2016 and my understanding and appreciation of mindfulness has grown during this time. Dave is patient, passionate and dedicated to his work.

He has worked in partnership with LIPA to provide both one-to-one mindfulness sessions and group workshops for students with varying needs. Student feedback about working with Dave is consistently excellent. He is a valued member of the Student Support team and provides thoughtful and considered contributions to our work.”

Penny Byrne
Student Support Manager – The Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts

The University of Liverpool

We worked in collaboration with the School of Psychology at The University of Liverpool to provide mindfulness training and education to PhD students on the Clinical Psychology program. This included the development and delivery of lectures on the topic, and the design and delivery of experiential mindfulness training.

“When I was looking for a tutor to help deliver postgraduate teaching on mindfulness-based approaches I turned to Dave. As a co-tutor he was excellent to work with, thorough, reliable, extremely knowledgeable and committed to providing a powerful learning experience for students. Dave embodies mindfulness, but brings a sense of joy and enthusiasm to the subject that cuts through the academic content that we also have to deliver.

The student feedback from our teaching was overwhelmingly positive, describing it as ‘passionate’, ‘engaging’, ‘excellent’, and many students said how valuable it was to learn through experiencing mindfulness. I have hugely enjoyed teaching with Dave, he is a pleasure to work with, and inspiring in his commitment, openness and flexibility.”

Dr. Katy Lobley
Senior Clinical Teacher – School of Psychology: University of Liverpool

Plus Dane Housing

Plus Dane Housing are one of the largest housing associations in the Merseyside area. We delivered a six-session mindfulness course to the executive team at Plus Dane to aid them with resilience, wellbeing, and stress reduction.

“Mindfulness Liverpool ran a six-session course for myself and colleagues. The sessions have been invaluable. They helped me personally to create inner calm around all the chaos and stresses of work – I can all-too easily get lost in the pressures of work and the demands it places on senior executives, so it was fantastic to re-align my thinking and cultivate peace of mind.

After each session I felt refreshed, ‘reset’, less anxious and more connected with my body and breathing. The weekly sessions brought a level of mindfulness that continued well beyond the session and into the week. The sessions definitely improved my ability to be more effective as a leader and shifted my thinking from reacting to responding. I would definitely recommend Mindfulness Liverpool.”

Madeleine Nelson
Executive Director of Neighbourhoods – Plus Dane Housing

Knowsley Council

Knowsley Council deliver wellbeing and resilience programs to their many staff across the region. We worked closely with the Workforce Development team at Knowsley Council to develop, and regularly deliver, a mindfulness and wellbeing training course for their staff and team members.

“We have introduced mindfulness as part of an integrated resilience programme in Knowsley council. Dave Spencer from Mindfulness Liverpool introduces the topic of mindfulness as part of this programme. Dave’s approach has been a great way to introduce staff to the benefits of mindfulness with some easy to grasp practices. This benefits both the individual and the organisation in supporting staff wellbeing, focus and creativity.

Dave Spencer is the most authentic mindfulness teacher I have ever met. His very presence brings calmness to the room. He supports staff in some experiential learning to discover the power of our mind over whatever problems we face. By developing our relationship with our mind, we can approach situations in a more resourceful way.”

Maureen Keegan
Workforce Development Officer – Knowsley Council

Breathworks Mindfulness CIC

Breathworks are one of the leading mindfulness training organisations in Europe. We have worked in partnership and collaboration with Breathworks since 2016. This has included regularly delivering Breathworks eight-week mindfulness programs in Liverpool and delivering training and courses directly for and on behalf of Breathworks, across the North-West of the UK.

“Breathworks regularly call upon Dave Spencer to represent us as a mindfulness teacher and trainer, both on our own training events and also with clients in a range of sectors including public, private, health and education. Dave gets excellent feedback from partner organisations, and is well appreciated for his skilful, engaging, and responsive teaching style.”

Colin Duff
Business and Research Manager – Breathworks Mindfulness CIC

“I found this course deeply fulfilling, particularly in the way it combined the theory of mindfulness with real practice. I would go as far as to say it has certainly provided me with some vital tools for life, which I am now using on a daily basis.

The world we now live in is far more complex, and in many ways more difficult, than it has ever been. Proper coping mechanisms to deal with the stress, which is around us, especially in the workplace, are so much more essential. For me, practicing Mindfulness will go a long way to making sense of it all, and dealing with that stress. This course, into which Dave and Andrea put so much personally, has enabled me to do this.”

Jan Canter – (Participant at a Breathworks mindfulness course run by Mindfulness Liverpool)


We love the collaborative work and partnerships that we do with our clients. If you’d like to chat about how we can work together, drop us a line below.

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